Friday, September 27, 2013

ALICE Coming to Belle Plaine CSD

As Belle Plaine Schools strive to maintain the safety of students and staff we have began the process of implementing the ALICE program within our schools.  ALICE stands for- ALERT, LOCKDOWN, INFORM, COUNTER, & ECAVUATE.  The ALICE program is already endorsed by law enforcement across the country and in line with recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).
The ALICE program is changing how schools, universities and businesses respond to armed intruders.  Developed after Columbine, ALICE teaches strategies to survive a life-threatening event. Supported by educators and law enforcement organizations, ALICE is quickly becoming the new standard of care across the nation.
School Administrators recently met with local and Iowa County law enforcement to create a plan for training school leaders, staff, and students.  The first step in the process will be to train the leadership teams at each school and then work with staff’s from both buildings.  The program is designed  to help prepare staff and students on a room-by-room basis to understand options and strategies that can be used depending upon the location.  Conversations and discussions about options can help staff react more quickly should an event ever occur.

As more information about the training becomes available, parents and community members will be informed.

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