Another key to achieving our goals and dreams is the support we have all around us. In the case of the oak tree, the sunshine that is necessary for it's growth. Mr. Kampman identified three key areas that we all can look to for support. The first area he spoke about was friends. He shared that friends can also hold us back from our goals and dreams if they are exposing us to things that will be detrimental to being successful. Aligning ourselves with friends who challenge us and bring out the best in us are key. Friends can also be a big support if one of the other two areas is not very helpful. A second area of support is teachers and coaches. These individuals have the knowledge and skills to help students reach their goals and are people that students can go to with almost any need. Aaron shared that he had several teachers and coaches who helped get him started towards achieving his dreams. The final important area of support is ones family. Whether it's parents or siblings, family can be one of the most important elements to attaining dreams and goals. For some however, family support may not always be there or best the best role model and that is when the other two support groups become even more important.

Aaron's message was presented in a way that all students could understand and apply to themselves in some way. He shared personal successes he experienced as well as challenges he faced and how he was able to move forward at all times.
The response from students and staff was very positive and it was great having Aaron come to Belle Plaine. He remainded for nearly 30 minutes after to sign autographs and speak with students.
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