Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Let's Not Forget To Say "Thank You!!"

This time of year it is always important to be thankful for those around us and the things we often take for granted.  Found this through Twitter and will also be sharing this with all the Secondary teachers and staff so we can all show our appreciation for the students and staff we have the pleasure of serving and working with every day.  

Thank You...

...for showing up on time for class. I know you have to get you brother and sister up, drive them to school and then get to your first hour class with a minute to spare if your lucky. It is easier to be late, but you get here every day and I appreciate that.

...for disagreeing with me in class. I love it when students have a different opinion and it took courage for you to voice yours in class when everyone else seemed to agree with me.

...for laughing at my stale jokes. I make them because I want to break the tension and just give us a break from the story. Even a pity laugh means much to a teacher.

...for doing the reading last night. I know you had a game really late last night, but you still showed up with those chapters read and ready to participate.

...for talking to me about something other than our curriculum. I love the books we read, but I sometimes find what you are doing outside of school far more interesting.

...for being the Team any teacher would Dream to have. Your smarts and silliness are perfectly balanced to make class a delight every single day.

...for trusting me. You did not have to talk to me about your problems, but I'm glad you did.

...for stopping by for a chat between classes.  Your visits are always entertaining.

...for the thank you. These are few and far between from students and parents and that is why yours was so nice.

...for your faith in me that this time it is going to work and be awesome. Your faith in me is what makes it possible.

...for your honesty. Sometimes I need to be told when something is not working or I need to be better. A student perspective is valuable and always welcome.

...for the smiles. I do not know how you do it, but you come to class with a smile every single day. Your smile makes me smile and others around you smile. Keep it up.

...for not giving up when you hit that snag. You are smarter than you give yourself credit for and I knew you could do it with a little extra help.

...for your leadership during a very tough time. Many of us were trying to figure out what to do next and you were there for everyone. You have been awesome this year.

...for the absurd comments you make to break the tension when the class is frustrated. Those moments off task can make everything move a bit smoother. Also, they can be very funny.

...for being you. It is not easy to be you in high school. Everything in the world around you says that you should not be you, but you do it. I wish I had your courage in high school.

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